
Get Involved

There are several different ways that you can get involved with Christian Women’s Job Corps of North Carolina. Check out our site list to see if there is a CWJC site in your area.

In order to start a site as a site coordinator, you will need to participate in Level One training. You can find national training opportunities at National CWJC Training .

Don’t feel led to start a CWJC site? Here are some other ways that you can get involved with CWJC:

* Pray! Pray for the site coordinators. Pray for the participants. Pray for the mentors. Pray for the volunteers.  Pray for the day to day operation of the site to run smoothly.

* Become a mentor. This is an amazing way to get involved in someone’s life, one on one, someone that is eager to grow. Local sites offer mentor training.

* Become a volunteer at a site. Any site coordinator would be thrilled to hear that there are people  who want to volunteer their time perhaps cooking/serving meals. There are also classes that need to be taught and Bible studies that need to be led.

* Become a donor. Contact a local site and see what supplies they might need donated. It might be that they need clothing for their clients that is appropriate to wear to a job interview. Or they might need office supplies, or office furniture. Local sites also welcome financial donations.

* Serve on the CWJC NC Board. This working Board meets quarterly to evaluate the work of CWJC NC. Responsibilities include serving as an advocate for this ministry in your own community and throughout the state. For more information or to nominate someone, please contact Cara Lynn Vogel at cwjcnc@gmail.com or complete this Jotform.